Thursday, 14 June 2018

Puffins and other sea birds

So after more than 18 months without posting to this blog, I thought I would re-acquaint myself with it and see if I can get back into the habit of posting again, assuming of course that I can remember how to use the app.

On Tuesday, we went on a boat trip from Seahouses in Northumberland to the Farne Islands to see the nesting seabirds and the puffins in particular. I've always wanted to see puffins and wasn't disappointed.

They are just as cute in real life as they look on photos!

They hatch their pufflings in burrows under the ground so it is very rare to see any pufflings. We didnt! But I was really pleased to get a photo of an adult returning with sand eels to feed its young.

It's a shame the terns aren't quite as cute. We'd been warned to wear hats when visiting Inner Farne but we hadn't realised it was to protect our heads from tern attacks. They get very upset at people walking past their nests but the stupid birds build them at the side of all the walkways and on the paths themselves even though there is plenty of other splace on the island. I wish I'd managed to get a decent photo of one in flight but I was too busy protecting myself and trying to get out of the way. I did get a decent photo of one on its nest, though.